Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Hand-painted Chevrons

So, two good ideas in my head (the fact that I've been seeing chevrons on EVERYTHING recently and I'm always looking for something to do with my surplus burlap) sometimes equals one moment of divine inspiration! Best part of all is my total cost was just about $0.00. The burlap was given to me, the paint leftover from another project, handmade stencil, and super cheap yard sale remnant fabric.
 Here's my cardboard chevron stencil.

 Bag #1 is a roomy tote with cute yard sale fabric inside
Bonus Bag #2 is itsy-bitsy. I used the every bit of my leftovers to make it (that's why the chevrons are going sideways...) I need to add a snap or everything will fall out of it when I try to use it, but it's adorable!

Swimsuit Cover-Up

Madeline has wanted a long-sleeved swim suit cover-up for a long time and I finally got around to making one for her! She picked all the fabrics and the layout herself (and she's quite happy with the result!)

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Fingerprint Greetings

The latest batch of homemade cards:

Inspired by Ed Emberley's Complete Fun Print Drawing Book.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Fun With Scraps

Homemade Cards with Fabric Scraps

Mother's Day cards for two great mommies....

Teacher Appreciation cards for three great teachers....
Oh yeah, and some bookmarks.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Cubbies and Baskets

The cubbies have been done for awhile now (and the baskets), but I've only just taken pictures:

I think they're gorgeous, if I do say so myself. The wall paint obviously needs to be touched up and I bought the hooks for the wall above the cubbies, but they're not up yet (surprise, surprise: we're not good at fast around here) -- I'll take more pictures when everything's finally completed! Hooray!

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Ruffles and fabric flowers

 My latest bag:
 It's so pretty, I haven't been able to use it yet. Can I make a museum for my too-beautiful-to-use creations?

Handmade Art

This is now hanging over our TV:

And here's where it came from:

Fabulous $6 framed puzzle from the thrift store

A few vinyl sticky letters, some creative juices, acrylic paint for the frame and spray paint for the puzzle itself and . . . . ART. Awesome!
If I had it to do over again, I would make all of the lettering bigger so you could see more of the colors and designs from the puzzle. Next time!